
Top 4 Content Marketing Tips

There are so many benefits to content marketing in today’s digital-centric climate. From driving traffic to your website and elevating yourself as an authoritative voice in your industry to reaching new customers, a good content marketing strategy can really elevate your business. 

But with so many different ways of reaching customers available nowadays, what should you be focusing your efforts on this year? Well, fear not, because we’ve put together our list of top four content marketing tips for you to get your teeth into.

1) Prioritise consistent quality

There’s no denying that the internet is bursting at the seams with content. With so many businesses and individuals worldwide competing for customers’ attention, it’s sometimes rather tempting to just throw out any old content just to keep up with everyone else.

But internet users today are becoming far more sophisticated. Today’s customers value quality over quantity. They want content they can engage with or use for a purpose. Whether it’s funny videos to share with friends or insightful articles that offer tangible and relevant information, customers value quality.

With that in mind, when it comes to posting content on social media or sending e-mail blasts to your customer database, you will get better results from publishing one quality piece of content a week instead of mediocre or bad pieces every day. So focus your energy and creative juices on quality over quantity.

2) Analyse the data

It’s not enough to just post a lot of content and hope for the best. To make sure that you’re maximising results and engaging your customers as much as possible, you need to continuously record and analyse the data. You need to understand the various content marketing metrics and what they mean to your business. 

So for example, if you’re trying to build a loyal customer base, you may wish to look closely at retention metrics to see how many people return to your site or channel for more content, how often they are returning and how many people are subscribing for content updates. Or, if you’re trying to understand which type of content your customers enjoy the most, you could look at various engagement metrics such as page depth, dwell time and social chatter.

There is so much data to consider and it needs consistent analysis to ensure your continued success.

3) Re-use, recycle and re-purpose

The time, energy and money you invest into creating insightful and engaging content shouldn’t be wasted on one simple post. You can re-use, re-purpose and recycle your content for use across several platforms and formats. 

For example, some blog posts could be included in your monthly e-mail newsletter or you can use some headlines from successful articles or blog posts as text for your PPC ads. Likewise, you can use content that wasn’t originally created for marketing purposes. For example, if you’ve just delivered an in-depth seminar to your colleagues on a specific subject, why not turn it into a downloadable guide? This will not only save you time and money, but will also help you to build a reputation for sharing consistent and informative content.

4) Keep it relevant

We’ve already established that posting content for the sake of content is no way to build a loyal customer base. And whilst quality and consistency is key, so is keeping it relevant. So if you write your own content, make sure it’s something relevant that your customers are interested in. 

For example, if you’re a real estate company in Sydney, you should be posting about the housing market in Sydney and surrounding areas. Or, if you outsource your marketing efforts to an agency, make sure it’s a content marketing agency in Australia who can understand the local and national market.


Content marketing can be used in a myriad of different ways. But at its core, content marketing is about creating authentic, insightful and engaging content that your target customers can relate to. With that in mind, don’t get carried away with all the latest trends, but instead focus on regularly sharing consistently high quality content that is true to your identity as a business.

What do you think?

Written by Michael Curry

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