
This is an example of a whistleblower case

There are many examples of whistleblower cases that cover a considerable amount of territory. It is possible to discover recent instances that range from government fraud to sexual harassment, accounting regularities and racial discrimination all over the United States.

Whether someone is a healthcare whistleblower or an insurance fraud whistleblower, they must take significant risks in their personal, professional and social lives to come forward. And it is essential that their rights and safety are protected so that they can continue to take these severe risks for the greater good.

If you or a loved one is facing the difficult decision to come forward with an issue in your workplace, we’ve outlined a few examples of whistleblower situation that can help you to understand your rights. Keep reading to learn more.

Whistleblower Examples

Racial Discrimination

Two employees in similar situations are treated differently because they differ in race, color, descent, immigrant status, national or ethnic origin. Unfortunately, these factors are used all too often to unfairly determine hiring status, promotion eligibility, and benefits in the workplace. This type of situation would be considered racial discrimination.


This common type of whistleblower case can include a wide range of illegal conduct. Some of the most common types of corruption include bribery, kickbacks, embezzlement and fraud.

Sexual Harassment

In recent years, there have been a variety of laws and policies put into place that is designed to protect workers from unwanted sexual advances, obscene remarks and other forms of sexual harassment.

Unfortunately, these laws are still under-enforced, and therefore, the majority of sexual harassment cases still go unreported.

Workplace Retaliation

Because there are many harsh legal consequences associated with whistleblower cases, many employers work to undermine attempts to report ethical or legal misconduct. Some of these actions may include:

  • Cutting hours
  • Reducing pay
  • Blacklisting
  • Demotion
  • Termination of employment

Whistleblowers have certain rights that protect them from these retaliations.

What do you think?

Written by Michael Curry

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