
What Does A Background Investigation Include?

A background investigation is also known as a background check. When a background investigation is performed on an individual or organization the type of information that is accumulated on the individual or organization is a criminal history, employment history, commercial records, and financial records. What background investigations do is tell the story of an individual or organizations past behavior.

There are usually two different ways you can perform a background check. They can be performed by using a comprehensive database research or just by checking the individual’s personal references. If a company wants to perform a more detailed background  investigation you can combine the two methods.

What Are On A Background Investigations

A background check is very critical for a company when it comes to hiring the right individual that would not put the company at risk for any type of lawsuit. A background check is not just a criminal background check but it goes in-depth into an individual’s education and employment history.

Depending on the type of employment an individual is applying for. A background check can be very extensive and can include reference checks, civil records check, and any other type of personal information check that is needed for the approval of a company’s hiring process. Background investigations accomplish multiple things when it comes to employees.

It proves that they have the experience, education, and can do the job that they claim they can do. A background check also lets employers know if the individual has been convicted of a crime whether it be small or major.

The background check also lets the employer know that the individual who they are considering hiring is also not a fugitive. The background check does not only keep the company safe but it also keeps the company’s employees and client’s safe as well.

The Things That Do And Don’t Show Up On A Background Check

One of the main and most known items that are on a background check is an individual’s criminal history. The criminal history is important because again as stated earlier in this article it keeps the company safe in every aspect.

An item that usually does not show up on background checks is whether an individual has been arrested or not. The reason why is because this can falsely disqualify an individual from getting a job if they were just arrested for something but we’re not proven guilty for committing a crime.

Because of this most states do not allow employers to get information on an individual’s arrest record in regards to a background check. At the end of the day this does depend on the laws set in each individual state.

When it comes to dismiss cases they do show up on an individual’s criminal background check. Anytime an individual is actually charged with a crime and has to be proven guilty or not guilty for the crime this stays on the individual’s background even if they are proven not guilty.

This is why it is important for the employer to know how to properly read the criminal background check. They will have to be able to tell the difference between an actual conviction and charged that was proven as not guilty.

The Different Types Of Background Checks

There are a few different types of background checks that is used on a regular basis and they are professional licenses background checks, employment background checks, personal background checks, criminal background checks, credit background checks, universal background checks, international background checks, e-verify background checks, and fingerprint background checks.

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Written by Michael Curry

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