
The Benefits of Hiring Your Studio Set

Film and television production teams faced with empty sets have the challenge of recreating an environment that works for both the studio and the audience. It is no easy task to build a set space that is both believable to the audience while accommodating recording equipment. Many viewers will recall moments where they have spotted a visible camera, furniture inexplicably changing, or an ill-considered set design. While studios work tirelessly to avoid these mishaps, they often still occur. 

For many years, an inordinate amount of pressure has been placed upon set designers and production staff. They have historically been tasked with sourcing, buying, or building furniture for a film or television set. This is often a costly endeavour. Furthermore, once the production wraps and the set pieces are no longer necessary, they are either stored or disposed of. Storing the items is costly and requires a large amount of space and organisation. Disposing of them results in growing amounts of waste and is counter-productive to an environmentally friendly studio image. In recent years, studios have begun reaching out to reputable furnishing and furniture companies to hire the required set equipment instead.

Hiring furniture from an experienced company eliminates many problems associated with fundamental set design. Items will be delivered and installed as directed then, once production has concluded dismantled and removed, relieving the responsibility from set runners. For example, some studios have sourced their TV & Movie Set Hire at Crown Display, which means they can hire retail furniture for use in production, have it built and installed by experienced staff, then later removed without any hassle at all. 

If a studio struggles to find an exact piece to fit their requirements or style, they can often be adjusted and adapted to each order. Or, should a specific item be requested, furniture companies typically offer custom built-items to order, which can be manufactured to specific or unusual designs, such as those that need to accommodate for cameras or microphones.

Compared to buying or constructing a studio’s own set furniture, hiring is by far the most cost effective option. It also removes the pressure of single use items, which impede studios environmental sustainability efforts, as well as the expense of disposal. Furthermore, companies that deal with furniture and equipment will often have an intimate knowledge and understanding of their craft. This means that, when building a set, their advice will be invaluable to avoid any mistakes of construction or arrangement that may lead viewers to recognise flaws or lack of realism in the set created.

For shooting on set, it is now industry standard to have a trusted furniture hire service at hand to facilitate the construction of sets and custom pieces. In the circumstances of unexpected events or changes, it is immensely helpful to be able to fall back on the assured assistance of an experienced company and manufacturer. If you production team or studio is not already affiliated with such a company, it is highly recommended to find one as it will likely help reduce your costs and support the untroubled filming of your production.

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Written by David Thacker

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