Adopting solar power as a form of free energy is becoming huge for homeowners in the US! The Federal government is offering tax credits if you choose this course of action. And the sooner you act the better (the tax credits are set to be less in the coming years).
But how does the solar panel installation process work in reality?
In general, there are about five steps that you have to go through to have your solar panels installed the right way. Ignore these steps and you might end up with issues later down the line.
So now let’s delve into the typical steps that you and a solar installer will take when getting solar panels for your home.
Roof and Site Assessment
Assessing your roof and the site, in general, is crucial before any solar panel installation takes place. The contractor will be able to assess to see if the roof or area of your home where you wish to place your panels meet the required standards.
As well, every homeowner may have different energy needs. Therefore, the technician that comes to assess your home can make recommendations so that you may have a solar installation tailored to your particular requirements.
Approving the Design
After your site assessment, the next step is for you to approve their design. An experienced installer will talk you through the various solar panel setup options before they come back to you with a design.
They should talk you through things like panel wattages, inverter types, and various types of solar panel designs and technologies currently available. You can also assume that any growing companies in the solar installation industry will have up-to-date knowledge of the latest technologies.
Paperwork and Permits
The next step in the solar panel installation process is to get your paperwork and permits in order. If you were to self-install solar panels, this part of the process of solar panel installation could be a little tricky. Here’s a look into what you would need to do in San Diego, for example.
Instead, we recommend you go with a professional installer that will make sure all your paperwork and permits are above board. They will also, most likely, deal with all of this for you.
Ordering Your Solar Energy System
It may take up to two months to get all your paperwork and permits approved, though this depends on where you live (it can be a much shorter timeframe). When everything is approved, your solar installer will order all the parts they need to build your solar energy system.
Before they order your equipment, it might be a good time for you to review what you’re ordering. In the time you have been waiting for the permits, you may have changed your mind on some smaller aspects of the design, which the installer might be able to change.
Installation and Approval
So the parts arrive and the installers get to work making your home into a mini renewable energy-producing factory! When they finish the installation, all that’s left is the approval of your solar setup.
Often, a representative from your city will come down to check everything is in order. Furthermore, you can expect an electric company to come to check that everything is installed correctly.
Solar Panel Installation Is Straightforward
When you hire professionals to carry out your solar panel installation, the process is pretty straightforward. They will deal with all the complicated parts and leave you with some of the decision-making. And making those decisions should be easy, as the installer should talk you through options and give you recommendations.
So congratulations, you’re going solar! If you found this article useful, please consider checking out our main blog page for more inciteful reads.