
How To Stand Out As A Retailer On A Modern High Street

While there might appear to be a number of closures as of late, there remains a resilience among the British high street that is seeing a number of new retailers thrive. Many of the businesses now leaving their stores are notably larger concepts, those businesses that are looking to protect themselves from losses by closing their least valuable stores. Now, in their place, a number of independent and local retailers are taking up shop.

For the high streets of individual towns and cities, this is causing quite a significant change. Small businesses, those that often start online, are now finding themselves not only with the support to start a brick and mortar venture but also the resources and availability. Demand for retail hasn’t disappeared as it may seem. In fact, it’s simply changed. 

So, what can a retailer do to stand out on a modern high street? Previously, there have been a number of trusted methods of appeal, with alluring and intriguing displays being one of the most well-established. To a certain extent, this hasn’t changed. The visuals of your retail brand are likely to determine a customer’s opinion of your product or service before they’ve even entered your store. 

However, now, the intention behind displays is shifting away from product-centric designs and leaning more toward brand-focussed aesthetics. This is because it is increasingly important for customers to identify with their brands, seeking those that reflect their own values and identities. As a result, window displays are now exemplary of a companies core ethos, appealing to passersby with environmental styling and social diversity traits. 

Bold and captivating signage remains important, as both an effective method of conveying direction and of making a clear, concise statement. Filling your window with SALE signs will certainly draw attention, however, not always the right kind. As modern shoppers begin to prioritise quality over quantity, seeking to support well-regarded manufacturing, frequent or aggressive sale tactics can actually be disadvantageous, drawing in only those customers who are seeking a bargain.

Instead, shop signage is much better used to make statements about your products, operations, and services. Being transparent about your business, a trait largely brought into fashion by social media scrutiny, is now a valuable quality of stores, with customers more ready and willing to support products that they feel will also enhance their image and reputation. So, with each sign and statement, remember that you are advertising your business’ brand and the personal brand of your potential customers. This should also encourage you to source your signage from reputable and high-quality vendors, such as, because both the message and its design make an impression.

Online sales have always been a source of caution with brick and mortar retailers. However, recent online searches demonstrate that, when faced with home delivery or local pick-up, the majority of online shoppers will prefer the latter, being more willing to pick up their product from a nearby store. It is believed that this is due to the speed at which an item can be collected, a priority for many, even of lower pricing options.

As such, savvy high street retailers can take advantage of this by dedicating resources and space to an efficient pick-up service. By doing so, customers will be more likely to travel across the local area, and perhaps further, to visit your store. With each visit, more potential sales can be made too.

What do you think?

Written by Sheri gill

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