
APK editor

APK file: I am sure that you may have heard this word APK. But do you know exactly what an Apk file is? Apk file which is the short form for Android Package Kit used by the Androids and android based other operating systems. This Apk is used when downloading and installing various apps for your android system. The apk files play the key role in proper installation process of various apps. There are ample number of apk files that are stored up in your android as pre-installed apps or sometimes you can download them from your Google Play Store according to your wish. 

But most of you may have some problems regarding your apk files. You may like if you have an opportunity to change some features of the apk files in your android system. Now no need to worry. Because there is the best solution for you with the above problem. That is APK editor. You can download APK Editor in your android and customize your apk files as you want. This app is free and you can download it easily from your Google Play Store.

Features of APK Editor

  • You can change background images of apk files as you desire
  • If you want to add some languages or remove any language that also possible
  • You can extract pictures also
  • You can create some apk files and can share with your friends
  • You will be able to create some projects using this great app APK editor
  • The app will allow you to delete some app permissions also
  • The app will allow you to view the location and the installation date of your apk files
  • You can view your UID and shared UIDs
  • Can run a quick search for some files

The app APK editor is easy to use and also the response time is also high. That means the app is quick when functioning. There are two main aspects of this app. The app will allow you to edit the apk files in two ways. One is the full edit, that allow you to rebuild the files and the other is the simple edit which allows you to replace files. The simple edit is very simple as the name implies. And it gets more difficult to edit when you go to the full edit mode. Some of you may find it not interesting, but the ones who can use their brains and skill will find this APK as a really interesting and a fun filled app. if you want some guidance on operating this app you can find the help page which is with some examples for you to study. So, if you want to be a designer or if you want to use your skills in a creative way then you can download this APK editor and you may feel proud once you see a apk files that was edited by you according to your desire.

You can use AC Market to download APK Editor pro for free. AC Market is also like Play Store where you can download any game or app for free.

What do you think?

Written by David Thacker

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