
4 SEO Practices in 2021 

The scramble for online presence has become stiff as every business wants to be seen by potential clients. Search engines keep changing search algorithms to ensure only the sites that are up to data are on top of every search results. Every year comes with its own SEO practices and 2021 is no exception. For example, indexing 3rd party URL used to be done by Google but as from 2018, third party URL were not indexed by Google. This means you need a tool to index third party URL that seem relevant to you. here are some of the newest SEO practices that you need to do as a marketer.  

Create Such Intent Content 

Every article, every blog ever video and every image are all meant to address a specific concern from the audience. Search intent content is content that is aimed at addressing a specific concern. The first form of search intent content is the informational content. This intends to inform the readers. Other intent content includes the transactional content that aims at stimulating the reader to buy. Commercial content is intent content that is meant to market the products and make buyers know the reason why they should purchase the products. 

Tittle Tags and Meta Descriptions Are Worth Investing On 

When it comes to writing articles, the old format of tittle, subheading and conclusion is no longer effective. You need to add a tittle tag where readers can click on that part and be directed to another resourceful page. Meta description provide a brief description of what the entire page is about to discuss about. By doing this, search engines will easily recognize your pages and you will be able to rank high on search results. Ranking high enables, you to be noticed by a lot of people online.

Internal Linking is Always Good 

When you post content on your blog, definitely some pages are related. Linking to other pages stimulate readers to click on hyperlinked anchor texts and this will increase traffic on your page. Optimizing internal links can boost organic traffic tremendously because search volume of your pages will increase. Internal linking is ignored most of the times but it is worth it because it keeps your pages always visible. Ensure that every link directs people to the most resourceful pages of your website. This will make people to visit more and more.

Make User Experience Wonderful 

Do you know that search engines look at how long people stay on your pages? If you create friendly content like use of subheadings, eliminating of popups and other interruptive materials, users will be happy to stay on the page and read to the end. Ensure you optimize pages so that you make them user friendly.


2021 requires new SEO strategies based on the search engine updates. The days of just creating content and posting are long gone, you need to adhere to the search engine guidelines for you to rank high on search engines. Get indexing tools to ensure all URL that are on third party site are all indexed. It helps search engines to recognize your links. 

What do you think?

Written by David Thacker

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